How to land your first nursing job – Tips for new grad nurses DSMS Durgapur - Premier Management College in Eastern India
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Students who are fresh out of nursing school or appearing for the graduation final exams are often jilted by the thoughts of job hunting. The reasons why a lot of people choose nursing as a career can be summed up in two words – job security. Nursing is a noble profession and skilled nurses are always in demand. Not every college degree offers the benefit of easily finding work shortly after graduating like nursing does. DSMS is one of the top Nursing Colleges in West Bengal offering a 3 year nursing course where students are provided with an enriching learning experience & world-class infrastructure. Since the job market for nurses is strong and growing every year, you may expect to complete the course with job offers already lined up. However, sometimes you may have to apply for several jobs and appear for the interview before finding the right fit.

The job hunting process might seem overwhelming if you are a fresher. Here are some tips to begin with:

1.Make your resume:

To land your first nursing job, you need to have a stellar resume and cover letter. Your resume or CV is your first impression on potential employers, so make it strong. Take your time to think about the skills, experiences and qualities that you possess and how they can benefit the facility or hospital at which you want to work. Note them down on paper and create a concise resume highlighting those pieces of information. Your employers must know what you’re capable of and what value you can bring to their organization. It should not contain any grammatical or formatting errors. It’s better to customise your resume for each job opening you apply for so that you can highlight the most important qualifications that are relevant for each particular position.

  • Build your network:

Building a good network is essential to survive in any field. Start making connections even when you’re studying! These contacts will come in handy while you’re looking for a job after graduation. Come in contact with people who might help you navigate through potential job positions, share resources, guide with the application process and give practical advice to advance in your career. Identify your potential employers and take advantage of social media to connect with the right people and don’t hesitate to make the first move.

  • Apply thoughtfully:

Blindly applying to each and every job that comes in your way is not a wise move. Make a list of everything you’d like to learn in your first job. Have a clear mindset about your short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals. Then, apply to the type of role that best fits your skills and experience. Weigh in all the pros and cons of different positions, as well as understand their scope before applying to one. Don’t forget to attach a personalised cover letter while applying. This shows your interest in the particular job.

  • Prepare for the interview:

A first nursing job is something to be proud of, so you need to do everything in your power to make sure that you get the job. So, it’s important to invest your time and effort into preparing for it. Conduct extensive research on the hospital to know more about their healthcare programs and business policies. Prepare a list of questions to ask the hiring manager and be sure to practice a few sample answers. Most professionals consider interviews to be nerve-wracking, but with a little preparation and research, you can relax and feel more confident.

Related Read: How to get a B.Sc. Nursing Degree? Here are a few steps to follow

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